According to my father, my grandmother’s family was from Poznan, Poland. The daughter of Walter and Antoinina (Annette, maiden name Lentz), my grandmother, Sophia (Sophie) Szopinski had five siblings – Stanley, Joe, Valentine, Helen, and Veronica.

Walter Sopinski worked for the Dunkirk, NY parks department, and was the first person in the city to use a gas-powered lawnmower — I have the news clipping somewhere. Typical of most people with their professions versus homelife, rumor is that his own garden was a bit of a mess. He was sometimes known as “The Kaiser” because of his appearance, mustashe and all, and perhaps his strictness as a father.

He owned a house on Roberts Road where both my grandmother and father were born, and my father’s parents lived in until they went to a nursing home around 1992. It was in the family for nearly a century, but was another generation or two older, having been moved by hand (a LOT of hands) from across the street where it originally stood.

Walter died before I was born, and so I never knew him, although I beleive when I was young I met my great-grandmother a few times.